Eligibility for membership
Membership to APNG:WLN is only after women who have completed trainings in Global Women in Management, Advocacy or TOT training conducted by PLAN USA.
To assist with the running of the organisation all members pay a membership fees to the Network. Fees paid covers the cost of printing of Newsletters, Network Updates, and other resource information.
Benefits of membership.
APNG:WLN members are leaders in their communities heading NGO’s, CBO’s FBO’s manage businesses or are professional women who work to maintain high ethical standards in their conducts and who use their talents and energy in the service of their local communities.
Membership creates a Network of Friendship and offers opportunities for personal growth and development as well as organisations growth and community developments through the participation of members.
Our members benefit directly:
- Have the first priority to be selected to attend trainings conducted by the Network,
- Reference letter and support letters to your donor organisation,
- Have your story printed in our newsletter,
- Be part of likeminded passionate women moving to change PNG positively.
- Nomination to the Board of Directors
- Voting rights at the Bi-Annual General Meeting
- Join any of our working committee
- Access to our resource Information Hub
- Access to use of the APNG:WLN Office space
- Access to using our “Pass through Grant” program
- Benefit from our Leader Economic Empowerment Program
- Be part of a vibrant and robust home grown NGO Enhance your Networking
Membership leads to involvement with a wide range of women, locally, at the national and International level.
Members of APNG:WLN may;
- Attend activities in other locations where GWIM Alumni are located, make new friends, and exchange ideas.
- When travelling, links to other alumni in parts of PNG and other countries
- Increase awareness of the mechanisms of APNG:WLN
- Attend the Network’s BI-Annual General Meeting with voting rights
- Meet women from many different backgrounds, all using their skills for others
- Participate in forums, workshops and discussions
- Hold leadership positions at any level of the organisation
Obligations of membership
Members are required to attend the Network General Meetings and participate at any business meetings and social functions
It is recommended that members:
- Serve on the various sub-committees.
- Be prepared to take office anytime if voted
- Pay annual subscriptions by the due date.
- Participate in the committee work of the network.