Doreka Dai is a woman leader in her village of Boera, where she has implemented a program to train women who are single mothers, widows, or otherwise of limited social means in sewing and tailoring skills.
Doreka uses the skills she learned while earning her Certificate in Tailoring and while attending the Pacific Islands Women in Leadership program.
After only one year, the Boera Tailoring Project is expanding to include more women in its trainings.
Doreka is now preparing to implement a youth mentoring program in the village and surrounding areas in order to empower the next generation of women leaders in Boera Village and the surrounding communities.
Diari Tailoring was established and has trained over 40 women TOT’s in the LNG Plant Site villages in partnership with ExxonMobil PNG and Advancing PNG: Women Leaders Network Inc.
Diarii Tailoring is leading the way in achieving the Plant site villages dream of one day owning a clothing factory that supplies the capital of the nation.
She is well on the way already, t has precedence in mobilising the TOT’s in sewing tailored garment orders for ExxonMobil, corporate wear meet and greet uniforms for Laba Holdings and 2700 masks for 15 schools in the LNG Plant Site villages.
A Boera Women’s Resource Centre was building under her leadership which is currently used by the community under her care.
She has been very supportive of all her Central Alumni GWIM colleagues in supporting their initiatives.
With her passion for sewing and women self help projects, a GWIM alumni sister has lent her 2x industrial sewing machines (1x over-locker) to support their dream.
APNGWLN is facilitating the dialogue to have an MOU in place before the machines are transported into Boera village under the care of Diari Tailoring. In addition to her Leadership and Tailoring certificates, she holds a technical degree in Business Studies from Port Moresby Business College.
Doreka attended GWIM 61 in Washington DS, USA and as well GWIM Step down training in Washington as well. She served as the Treasurer of APNGWLN from mid 2018-early February 2021.